Yoga That Understands Your Nervous System

Find comfort and calm through science-informed practice
Hi, I'm Stefanie.
As a physiotherapist and yoga teacher, I've seen how understanding our bodies can transform our lives.
I'm here to share that knowledge with you.

Yoga Grund Ausbildung in St.Gallen

Unsere jährliche Grund Ausbildung besteht seit über 10 Jahren und setzt sich aus einem starkem Fachkräfte Team zusammen. Mit Chiara Castellan und Stefanie Castson in der Leitung, ist es uns eine Ehre, euch auf einer Vertiefung des Yoga Weges zu begleiten. Start jeweils März, mit einem Wochenende pro Monat bis Ende Jahr. Siehe Details. Info Abend am 27.09.24 um 19.00 Uhr. Anmeldung via Website.

Weitere Infos

Fascia Release Balls

Our previous Peanut Double Balls has transformed into a partnership with Tune Up Balls. They make the best fascia release balls out there and ship worldwide! The two balls come in a net which allows you to use the ball singularly or in the net as a double ball!

Order here!

Pre-&Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training

This format provides an excellent continued education for Yoga teachers and keen students to immerse in guiding women during and after pregnancy. Expand one's practice and incorporate pelvic floor, diaphragm, wall & chair, restorative and other important understanding and practices. For more info email [email protected] for sign up please click below. 

Sign up now!

Working with Resistance & Assistance

Ever since first developing the Strap in 2019 this Training has changed a lot! It now includes a fully recorded module per week and one live session taking you through the entire body- and with Stefanie's expertise on Anatomy into structures, stabilization and other bodily issues that can be addressed with the practical tool of the Strap. 

Let's go!

Resources Tailored for Every Step of Your Journey

Deep Dive Online courses

Embark on a journey of discovery with our Yoga Anatomy and Continuing Education (YACEP) courses. Elevate your understanding and practice of yoga through comprehensive, knowledge-rich modules.

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Can I write you letters?


Each month, I'll share with you:

Insights on integrating polyvagal theory into your yoga practice

Practical anatomy tips to deepen your understanding of movement

Real stories of transformation through science-based yoga

Exclusive access to upcoming workshops and trainings

Strategies to apply yoga science for a more balanced life


Join me in exploring the intersection of yoga, science, and personal growth.